Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg
The Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart
With its 200 m length, the newly constructed Ministry of the Interior in Stuttgart combines functions that were previously spread across more than 20 facilities. Thus, it now contains a conference area, gastronomy, a highly secured situation room and more than 600 offices. On a narrow triangular plot, the Berlin based office Staab Architekten has created an ensemble of individual interwoven building bars, that are tapered towards the south and thus elegantly fit into the parcel. Five atria organize the building complex and form the center piece of the interior design. They provide each bar with daylight and access. All spaces follow the project’s pointed geometry, even the atria. The main lobby forms a representative access area and conveys a sense of generosity. Located at its end is a moderately sized daylight space that creates a sublime spatial sequence. All atria are segregated from the galleries through a punctuated facade thus generating the appearance of exterior courtyards.
beam HIT-projectors. Luminous windows surround the observer at the atrium, and from the gallery one actually appears to be glancing at a courtyard. As a leitmotif, the element of the luminous lines continues throughout all building areas, even the upper floors, where the lines appear to communicate between the atria and the corridors.
Underlining this character, the lighting concept encompasses all gallery corridors with a linear lighting profile evoking a clear caesura between the two areas. The luminous lines consist of staggered T16 lamps that are embedded in a ceiling recess, creating an efficient illumination of the walking surfaces. By virtue of the light profiles’ scattered light the flanking corridor walls are highlighted while the atrium’s perforated facade remains dark. Sustaining this contrast, the atrium is illuminated by narrow beam HIT-projectors. Luminous windows surround the observer at the atrium, and from the gallery one actually appears to be glancing at a courtyard. As a leitmotif, the element of the luminous lines continues throughout all building areas, even the upper floors, where the lines appear to communicate between the atria and the corridors.
If one intends to change floors, one dives into the adjacent open staircase that is concealed behind a lamella screen. Looking from the void, the stair can only be seen hazily. Following the conceptual principle of a linear lighting element for all access routes, the stairs are illuminated by a handrail integrated LED profile. In combination with the lamella, the balustrade lighting appears refreshingly contrasting and agreeably low-key when seen from the void.
Particularly at the ground level, the areas adjacent to the atria appear pleasantly different. Here, the illumination changes to HIT downlights behind expanded metal ceilings and zoned lighting from wall sconces with compact fluorescent lamps.